sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007

i love you with lemon and salt - te quiero con limón y sal

"Yo quisiera... poder hacer lo que me de la gana detrás de la cortina de la locura. Así: arreglaría las flores, todo el día, pintaría el dolor, el amor y la ternura, me reiría a mis anchas de la estupidez de los otros, y todos dirían: pobre! esta loca. (sobre todo me reiría de mi estupidez) construiría mi mundo que mientras viviera seria mío y de todos..." FRIDA KAHLO.

“I wish… I could do everything I want to do behind the curtain of madness” then: I would arrange the flowers all day long, I would paint the pain, the love and the tenderness, I would laugh at the stupidity of others, and everyone would say: poor thing! She is mad (above all I would laugh at my own stupidity) I would build my own world that, for as long as I live, would be mine and would be for everyone…” FRIDA KAHLO.

citrus water